Tips For Picking a Healthy Dog

It is an exciting time when it comes to picking out a new puppy that will soon grow to be a member of your family. This important decision is made with our hearts and not necessarily with, Dog Tip, our minds.

When choosing, Dog Tip, a new puppy a question you should ask yourself is how healthy is he?

I would give, Dog Tip, you a quick guideline of particular so look for that may indicate health, Dog Tip, problems or signs that problems may occur down the road. Okay, so we got our hearts set on a particular puppy so what should we look for in an effort to ascertain the health and possibly even the potential for continued health of this animal.

The first place to look is the puppies eyes.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself are both eyes of the same coloration? Move your hand from side to side and observe the dogs ability to follow the motion with both eyes. The second thing to check is to look for any type of discharge from the eyes.This could indicate that the dogs tear ducts are possibly upstroke did because we dogs the tears and other liquids are usually discharge through the nasal cavity.

Next take the puppy out for a walk or short play and study the way he moves.

If he swings his hips from side to side as he walks this could possibly indicate the potential for canine hip dysplasia.

Also consider the color of the dogs coat.A little known fact is that animals would white coats often develop problems such as skin cancers, deafness and sometimes suffer from blood immune disorders which increases proneness to infection. Another very important thing to check is the dogs nose and his jaws.

Look carefully to make sure the upper and lower jaws are of the same proportions and the fatigue also fit well together.

Make sure the gums are a healthy pink color and not pale or inflamed. Also observe the dogs breeding it should be quiet and easy. It is breathing becomes heavy or raspy after a little exertion it is an indication that there could be a problem.

This may seem like a lot of things to check when buying a puppy but these are all very easily done and only will take a few minutes time to helping sure that you are bringing home a healthy and happy, Dog Tip, dog. Of course there are not any guarantees, even after diligent scrutinizing of the animal, which will insure that your new pet will be free of health problems in the future.

The fact remains that by doing all you can to determine the health of the animal in the beginning you will increase the odds of a long, happy and healthy relationship for the both of you.

je Dunn has been in the newspaper business for 25 years and has been an online writer since 2001. Some of je's latest projects include Optimized XSitePro Templates and Dog Life Vest

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