Five Dog Grooming Tips and Tricks

First, be sure to comb or brush the dog's coat to remove any tangles. Doing this will also help to prevent his, Dog Tip Products, fur from further snarling during the bath. This should be done gently enough so that it is not painful, but firmly enough to reach all the way down to the skin.Next, in a sink or tub (depending on the size of your dog) wet him down with a sprayer or container using lukewarm water. Now, using a shampoo designed for dogs, apply enough shampoo to work the dog's fur into a lather.

Gently wash his entire coat, carefully avoiding the eyes and ears. Cotton balls can be carefully inserted into his ears to prevent water from getting into them. Rinse his coat thoroughly, leaving no trace of soap. A nice addition would be a conditioner that is also made for dogs, which would need to be completely rinsed out as well.After bathing, gently towel-drying the dog's coat will remove excess wetness. Blow-drying will give him an even softer, fluffier coat, but be sure to do this at a low temperature and fan setting.

Gently brush out his coat again.The next tip for grooming your dog is to check his nails to see if they need to be trimmed. Trim the nails within two millimeters of the quick, but be careful to not clip into the quick as the dog's nail will, Dog Tip Products, bleed and this will be painful.Finally, you can give your dog a trim or a whole new look with many of the hair clipping tools available on the market. To give a cut to suit a particular breed you can refer to cutting guides available on the web or there are books for this purpose as well.

Click here to read further about using a Dog Grooming Bath, including the Booster bath ramp

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