Insanely Easy Way to Stop a Dog From Barking - 7 Great Tips

How to get your dog to stop barking? This is the million dollar question so many dog owners ask themselves each day. The professional dog trainers on TV make it look so easy don't they? It's almost like they were born to do it. A gesture here, a command there and a dog is like putty in their hands. You couldn't possibly do this with what appears to be so little effort could you? Well, you CAN. There are however a number of tips to follow first:1) Why is your dog barking? This is a fundamental question you should be asking yourself as it is key to stopping your dog barking.

Different dogs react with barking to different circumstances. Once you understand the reasons for the the barking your own actions towards your dog will vary.2) Dogs size can dictate behaviour. It is fairly common knowledge that puppies and smaller breeds of dog bark because they are scared. For the smaller dog this fear is based on them feeling threatened by larger dogs and humans. Compare this to a puppy whose main fear is being alone. Contrast this with a larger breed dog who barks like crazy at the pizza delivery guy.

By understanding your dog you can take the appropriate steps to remedy the situation.3) Accept that barking IS necessary. It is important to understand that you will not eliminate barking from your dog altogether. The reason for this, Dog Tip Products, is that barking is the natural way for your dog to communicate. By acknowledging this you can control the situation on your terms - you can teach your dog when it IS and when it is NOT ok to bark.4) Teach your dog to be alone. The persistent barker has never been taught that being in his own company is ok.

Your dog has received great praise from not actually doing anything to deserve it! When he gets left to his own devices he gets upset - there's nobody there to make a big deal out of his very existence.5) Are you doing the basics? Does your dog have enough food and water? It's amazing the calming effect one more bowl of water can have on a barking dog. Make sure your dog is not too restrained and can relax in a place where he can't see people or other animals. You may have to bring him indoors.

This too can work wonders but it is at your discretion where your dog goes indoors, Dog Tip Products, . You are in control.6) Your body language. This is a tough one for most dog owners. We love to make a fuss of our pet. When we reassure our dog that we won't be long and he/she will see us later we naturally raise the tone of our voices and when we do return we greet our dog with great affection. This just serves to tell our pet that them being alone IS a trauma for them and we are thrilled with how they coped.

As soon as we leave they bar like mad wanting that approval.7) How do you control the situation? By using a "key" word you can trigger your dog to bark when you instruct it to. By doing this, not only are YOU in control but you will see your dog become more disciplined and less likely to bark at random. How do you learn how to use a "key"word...?Now some of you are probably reading this thinking "my dog has enough food and I know that barking is necessary but how on earth do i teach my dog to be alone or a trigger "key" word?

For further information from the dog training professionals click how to stop a dog barking. Also, to sign up for a FREE weekly dog training tips newsletter visit today.

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